What is Whois Search?
With SugarHosts Whois Search service, you can obtain a set of public information relevant to any registered domain name, including following contents:
- Domain Name
- Admin Organization
- Admin Address (Street, City, State)
- Registry Domain ID
- Registrar
- Registrar URL
- Creation Date
- Registrar Registration Expiration Date
- Registrar Abuse Contact Information (Email, Phone Number)
- Domain Status
- Registrant Name
- Registrant Organization
- Tech Contact Data (Name, Address, Phone Number, Email)
- And many more
What can you do with Whois Search?
SugarHosts Whois Search is able to help you look up who is managing and owning a domain. You can easily get the available contact information of the related domain owner through Whois Search. If you intend to purchase a domain which has already been registered, you can also directly contact the current domain owner via the Whois data. Furthermore, it’s convenient for you to stay in touch with the domain owner when meeting some legal issues or technical problems of the domains.
How to protect your Whois data?
We offer Whois Privacy service to protect your Whois data. Instead of displaying your personal information in the WHOIS database for all to see, WHOIS servers will keep your name, address, phone number, and other information confidential. For more details, please refer to Whois Privacy Page.